Consulting Services

Modovolate Aviation, LLC makes consulting services available for governmental and private-sector entities interesting in exploring the utility of drone services to support their missions. We can:

  • Evaluate what’s on the market now in terms of cost and ability to perform customer mission profiles
  • Develop plans for design and construction of drones tailored to customer mission profiles
  • Explain and develop timelines for satisfying FAA regulatory requirements
  • Submit comments on behalf of customers in regulatory proceedings
  • Convene and facilitate customer discussions of drone capabilities and possibilities for customer deployment
  • Prepare and submit applications for Special Airworthiness Certificates for private-sector customers or Certificates of Waiver and Authority for governmental entitles
  • Develop test and evaluation protocols suitable for customer evaluation of drone capability

Drone operations

We will not operate drones for any customer purpose without satisfying FAA regulatory requirements, such as without being granted a petition for exemption, obtaining Special Airworthiness Certificates for private-sector customers or Certificates of Waiver and Authority for governmental entities

Legal representation

If a customer requires legal representation, we will recommend qualified lawyers, but Modovolate Aviation, LLC does not, itself, provide legal representation

Pricing and terms

Upon request we will give you a quote for your project. In consultation with you, we will determine a deliverable date, rights in intellectual property, non-disclosure terms, and price.

Depending on the project, we are willing to provide a package of services for a flat fee, or on the basis of hours actually expended, or a combination of the two.
Request a quote
Send an email to, providing
  • A basic outline of how we can help
  • Contact information
Once you have received a quote, and you and Movo Aviation have agreed on a price and payment schedule, go to the Make a payment page to make a payment.